File Directory
In this article, we'll explain each folder and file located in ArrowChat. You can use this guide to quickly find the files that you need to edit.
ArrowChat may be modified but not redistributed
adminAdministration panel files
- imagesHolds images for the admin panel
- includesThe core files for the admin panel
- cssThe admin panel CSS files
- imagesSome images used in the CSS files
- itipHolds files for the iTip plugin
- menuHolds files for the admin panel's navigation plugin
- colorpicker.cssThe color picker CSS file
- index.htmlBlank file
- login-style.cssThe login page CSS file
- style.cssThe main CSS file
- functionsHolds all the function files for the admin panel
- functions.phpVarious functions for the admin panel
- functions_login.phpFunctions for the login system
- functions_php.phpPHP functions
- functions_update.phpFunction for updating the config file
- index.htmlBlank file
- jsHolds all the admin panel JavaScript files
- colorpicker.jsThe color picker plugin
- highchart plugin developer file
- highcharts.jsThe highchart plugin minified file
- highcharts.src.jsThe highchart plugin source file
- index.htmlBlank file
- jquery.jfeed.pack.jsThe JQuery jfeed plugin (an RSS parser)
- jquery.slicknav.jsJQuery slicknav plugin
- menu.min.jsVarious JavaScript to control the navigation
- modernizr.min.jsModernizr plugin
- scripts.jsVarious admin panel JavaScript
- tiny_mceHolds files for the TinyMCE plugin (rich-text editor)
- admin_init.phpThe initialization file each time an admin page is loaded
- index.htmlBlank file
- cssThe admin panel CSS files
- layoutAll the HTML for the admin panel
- .htaccessDenies access to folder
- index.htmlBlank file
- pages_activate.phpThe HTML for the reset password page
- pages_footer.phpThe HTML for the footer
- pages_forgot.phpThe HTML for the forgot password page
- pages_general.phpThe HTML for the general pages
- pages_header.phpThe HTML for the header
- pages_index.phpThe HTML for the overview page
- pages_login.phpThe HTML for the login page
- pages_manage.phpThe HTML for the manage pages
- pages_system.phpThe HTML for the system pages
- pages_themes.phpThe HTML for the appearance pages
- pages_users.phpThe HTML for the user pages
- activate.phpProcessing for the reset password page
- forgot.phpProcessing for the forgot password page
- general.phpProcessing for the general pages
- index.phpProcessing for the overview page
- manage.phpProcessing for the manage pages
- system.phpProcessing for the system pages
- themes.phpProcessing for the appearance pages
- users.phpProcessing for the user pages
cacheHolds files that are cached
- .htaccessDenies access to folder
- index.htmlBlank file
includesThe core internal files for ArrowChat (json, functions, classes, config)
- classesClass files for ArrowChat
- class_arrowpush.phpClass for the push service
- class_database.phpClass for the old MySQL
- class_database_mysqli.phpClass for the new MySQLi
- class_javascript_packer.phpClass for minifying JavaScript files
- class_uploads.phpClass for uploading files
- index.htmlBlank file
- cssCore CSS files for ArrowChat
- fontawesomeFont Awesome files
- emojisEmoji images and processing files
- imgContains all the emoji images in 16px and 32px sizes
- emoji_activities.phpProcessing file for activity emojis
- emoji_animals.phpProcessing file for animal emojis
- emoji_custom.phpProcessing file for custom emojis
- emoji_flags.phpProcessing file for flag emojis
- emoji_food.phpProcessing file for food emojis
- emoji_objects.phpProcessing file for object emojis
- emoji_smileys.phpProcessing file for smiley emojis
- emoji_symbols.phpProcessing file for symbol emojis
- emoji_travel.phpProcessing file for travel emojis
- index.htmlBlank file
- functionsFunction files for ArrowChat
- integrationsHolds all the files for every integration
- functions_common.phpFunctions that are shared across many files
- functions_mobile.phpMobile device functions
- functions_php.phpPHP functions for compatability
- functions_receive.phpFunctions for parts of ArrowChat that receive information
- functions_send.phpFunctions for parts of ArrowChat that send information
- index.htmlBlank file
- jsJavaScript files for ArrowChat
- uploadifyHolds Uploadify files
- cancel.pngThe cancel icon for file uploads
- index.htmlBlank file
- arrowchat_autoload.jsAutomatically loads files to run ArrowChat
- arrowchat_autoload_popout.jsAutomatically loads files to run ArrowChat popout/embed chat
- readable copy of the main JavaScript file that runs ArrowChat
- arrowchat_core.jsThe main JavaScript file that runs ArrowChat
- arrowchat_dynamic.jsDynamic JavaScript variables
- arrowchat_libraries.jsJavaScript libraries for ArrowChat
- arrowchat_mobile.jsThe main JavaScript file for the mobile version of ArrowChat
- arrowchat_templates.jsThe template files put into JavaScript
- index.htmlBlank file
- jquery.jsJQuery
- jquery-ui.jsJQuery UI
- uploadifyHolds Uploadify files
- jsonHolds files that send and receive information
- receiveHolds files that receive information
- index.htmlBlank file
- receive_block_list.phpRetrieves the block list
- receive_buddylist.phpRetrieves the list of online users
- receive_chatroom.phpRetrieves the periodic list of users in a chat room
- receive_chatroom_list.phpRetrieves the list of chat rooms in the lobby
- receive_chatroom_room.phpRetrieves the initial list of users in a chat room and history
- receive_core.phpThe main file that periodically retrieves new message information from ArrowChat
- receive_history.phpRetrieves the history of messages for one-on-one chat
- receive_init.phpRetrieves information for when ArrowChat is first loaded
- receive_moderation.phpRetrieves information for the moderation window
- receive_notifications.phpRetrives notification information
- receive_report.phpRetrieves the moderation reports
- receive_search.phpRetrieves the user information when searching for a name in the online list window
- receive_user.phpRetrieves information about a user
- sendHolds files that send information
- index.htmlBlank file
- send_chatroom_create.phpProcessing for creating a chat room
- send_message.phpProcessing for sending a one-on-one message
- send_message_chatroom.phpProcessing for sending a chat room message
- send_notifications.phpProcessing for sending a notification
- send_settings.phpProcessing for updating a user's settings
- send_status.phpProcessing for updating a user's status
- send_typing.phpProcessing for updating a user's typing status
- index.htmlBlank file
- receiveHolds files that receive information
- configuration file for ArrowChat
- edition.phpInformation about the edition of ArrowChat (do not edit)
- index.htmlBlank file
- init.phpThe main initialization file for ArrowChat
- integration.phpIntegrates your website with ArrowChat
- spam_protection.phpProcesses spam protection (premium+ feature)
- classesClass files for ArrowChat
installInstallation files
- imagesHolds image files for installation
- includesThe core files for installation
- cssThe installation CSS files
- jsThe installation JavaScript files
- db_initial_values.phpThe initial values inserted into the database
- db_initial_values_mssql.phpThe initial values inserted into the MSSQL database
- functions_install.phpFunctions used during installation
- functions_php.phpPHP functions required for servers running PHP 4.
- index.htmlBlank file
- integrations_db_list.phpAll the table and field names for each integration
- integrations_list.phpA list of all the integrations and their settings
- layoutAll the HTML files for installation
- index.htmlBlank file
- pages_admin.phpHTML for the admin step
- pages_config.phpHTML for the config step
- pages_database.phpHTML for the database step
- pages_final.phpHTML for the final step
- pages_final_confirm.phpHTML for the final confirmation step
- pages_footer.phpHTML for the installation footer
- pages_header.phpHTML for the installation header
- pages_requirements.phpHTML for the requirements step
- schemasHolds all the SQL schemas for installation
- index.htmlBlank file
- mssql_schema.sqlBuilds the database structure for MSSQL
- mysql_schema.sqlBuilds the database structure for MySQL
- mysql_schema_pre_5.5.3.sqlBuilds the database structure for MySQL before v5.5.3
- index.phpMain processing file for installation
languageHolds all your language folders
- enHolds the language files (two letter language code)
- en.phpThe language phrases (English in this case)
- index.htmlBlank file
- index.htmlBlank file
- enHolds the language files (two letter language code)
modThe moderation panel
- imagesImage files
- includesThe internal files (css, javascript, etc.)
- layoutThe HTML files
- general.phpProcessing for the general pages
- index.phpMain landing page
- manage.phpProcessing for the manage pages
- users.phpProcessing for the user pages
publicHolds folders for external instances of ArrowChat (mobile, video, embed)
- cronHolds files for cron jobs
- .htaccessDenies access to folder
- index.phpThe cron job processing file
- debugHolds files for the debug page
- listHolds files for the buddy list embed
- cssHolds the CSS files for the buddy list embed
- index.htmlBlank file
- style.cssAll the CSS for the buddy list embed
- jsHolds the JavaScript files for the buddy list embed
- index.htmlBlank file
- list_core.jsThe main JavaScript for the buddy list embed
- index.phpThe HTML for the buddy list embed
- cssHolds the CSS files for the buddy list embed
- mobileHolds files for the mobile chat
- imagesHolds the images for the mobile version
- includesJavaScript and CSS files for the mobile version
- cssHolds CSS files
- imagesMore images for mobile version
- index.htmlBlank file
- jquery-mobile.cssCSS for JQuery mobile
- style.cssThe main CSS for the mobile version
- jsHolds JavaScript files
- index.htmlBlank file
- mobile map
- jquery-mobile.jsJQuery mobile
- readable file of the mobile JavaScript
- mobile_core.jsThe main mobile JavaScript file
- mobile_libraries.jsAll the JavaScript libraries for the mobile chat
- index.htmlBlank file
- cssHolds CSS files
- index.phpThe HTML for the mobile version
- popoutHolds files for the popout chat
- jsHolds the JavaScript files
- index.htmlBlank file
- readable file of the popout JavaScript
- popout_core.jsThe main popout JavaScript file
- popout_libraries.jsAll the JavaScript libraries for popout chat
- index.phpThe HTML and processing for the popout chat
- jsHolds the JavaScript files
- videoHolds files for the video chat
- index.phpThe HTML and processing for video chat
- download.phpFile that processes downloading within ArrowChat
- index.htmlBlank file
- cronHolds files for cron jobs
themesHolds all your theme folders
- defiHolds an entire theme's files
- cssThe CSS files for the theme
- custom_css.phpThis file makes the colorize feature work. You can use variables to adjust colors.
- index.htmlBlank file
- style.cssThe main CSS file for the theme
- style_popout.cssThe popout/embed CSS file for the theme
- fontsFonts installed for the theme
- imagesThe images for the theme
- soundsThe sounds for the theme
- templateThe HTML templates for the theme
- announcements_display.phpHTML for the announcements popup
- buddylist_tab.phpHTML for the online list tab
- buddylist_window.phpHTML for the online list window
- chat_tab.phpHTML for one-on-one chat tabs
- chat_window.phpHTML for one-on-one chat windows
- chatrooms_tab.phpHTML for the chat room tab
- chatrooms_window.phpHTML for the main chat room list (no joined room)
- index.htmlBlank file
- maintenance_tab.phpHTML for the tab when maintenance mode is enabled
- notifications_tab.phpHTML for the notifications tab
- notifications_window.phpHTML for the notifications window
- unseen_chat_tab.phpHTML for closed windows when too many are open
- warnings_display.phpHTML for the warning popup
- welcome_display.phpHTML for the welcome message to new users
- index.htmlBlank file
- install_config.phpConfig used when installing the theme into ArrowChat
- cssThe CSS files for the theme
- index.htmlBlank file
- defiHolds an entire theme's files
upgradeHolds files related to upgrading ArrowChat versions
- imagesHolds images for the upgrade process
- includesJavaScript and CSS files for the upgrade process
- forgot.phpThe password reset form
- index.phpHTML and processing for the upgrade
uploadsHolds any files that are uploaded via ArrowChat
- .htaccessDenies access to folder
- index.htmlBlank file
- .htaccessProvides rewrites and compression for ArrowChat
- autoload.phpAutoloads all required files for ArrowChat
- bootstrap.phpThe main ArrowChat file that requires other core files
- external.phpOutputs all the javascript/css files for ArrowChat
- index.phpRedirects to admin panel or install folder