Our affiliate program is now open to all customers. Just click on "Affiliate Program" under the "Members" tab. Here is a small FAQ about the program:
How do I start earning money?
All you need to do is copy and paste your affiliate link to your blog, friend, etc. When someone visits ArrowChat through your affiliate link, we'll track any purchases they make and give you a percentage.
How much do I make on purchases?
We currently reward affiliates with $13 per license sale (20%). This amount is subject to change at any time, but your current cash will stay the same only affecting future references.
Do I earn money on additional options purchased such as branding free?
Due to the nature of the additional options, we are not providing any additional affiliate money for these purchases at this time.
How do I cash out?
Just hit the cash out button! You must have at least $50 in current cash. We will pay you through PayPal only.
I didn't receive credit for my reference?
Sorry, but we cannot do anything about it. Once someone has purchased a license without your affiliate ID, we cannot change it. This may have happened because the customer used a coupon, closed their browser and then went back, or visited the site without your affiliate link.