all worki8ng fine for me, except SE4 integration. I used my own builded and work like a charm.
Multilanguage Jason?
Jason wrote:ArrowFan wrote:Thanks. I was also wondering if its possible for group audio chats, sort of like ventrilo or skype?
Sure, you could do that, but you'd have to copy and paste the room URL to everyone that you want to chat with.
GDe Bortoli wrote:all worki8ng fine for me, except SE4 integration. I used my own builded and work like a charm.
Multilanguage Jason?
MYoung wrote:GDe Bortoli wrote:all worki8ng fine for me, except SE4 integration. I used my own builded and work like a charm.
Multilanguage Jason?
How did you get this to install on chat bar won't show up
MYoung wrote:MYoung wrote:GDe Bortoli wrote:all worki8ng fine for me, except SE4 integration. I used my own builded and work like a charm.
Multilanguage Jason?
How did you get this to install on chat bar won't show up
Nevermind figured it out. Thanks
function getUserID() {
$userid = 0;
if (!empty($_COOKIE['PHPSESSID'])) {
$sql = ("select data from ".TABLE_PREFIX."core_session where id = '".mysql_real_escape_string($_COOKIE['PHPSESSID'])."'");
$query = mysql_query($sql);
$session = mysql_fetch_array($query);
$data = ($session['data']);
foreach ($matches[1] as $match) {
if (filter_var($match, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
$sql = ("select user_id from ".TABLE_PREFIX."users where email = '".mysql_real_escape_string($match)."'");
$query = mysql_query($sql);
$session = mysql_fetch_array($query);
$userid = ($session['user_id']);
return $userid;
FNezovic wrote:Unfortunately the most annoying issue still remains (for my users anyway) regarding tabs. If you're browsing my site and have multiple tabs open it doesn't receive the messages globally across all tabs unless you go back to the first tab you used to start the conversation with the member. And if you close the original tab you don't get to see what the member wrote to you until you refresh a new tab...
Also tested iPhone and it still loading the bar in the middle of the page randomly. :(
Josh Lewis wrote:when I have it "open" where I'm not chatting but can see the whole chat bar every time I go to a new page the chat room bar will pop up. I guess I could keep it minimized when not chatting but is slightly less convenient.
FNezovic wrote:Also tested iPhone and it still loading the bar in the middle of the page randomly. :(
GDe Bortoli wrote:Multilanguage Jason?
Jack wrote:Was the bugfix for having multiple tabs open; the messages would be in sync on both tabs implemented?
Also Feedback: The video chat thing is worse than the first version of the video chat in the 0.2.x builds. This video chat thing just looks like a big advertisement for Facebook...
mmlr38 wrote:Also, another user is reporting a problem that I've not been able to replicate:Josh Lewis wrote:when I have it "open" where I'm not chatting but can see the whole chat bar every time I go to a new page the chat room bar will pop up. I guess I could keep it minimized when not chatting but is slightly less convenient.
Jack wrote:When I open the videochat thing, the first thing it asks is to login with facebook. Then they have a facebook chat logo to the right.
Jack wrote:When I open the videochat thing, the first thing it asks is to login with facebook. Then they have a facebook chat logo to the right.
Jason wrote:Jack wrote:When I open the videochat thing, the first thing it asks is to login with facebook. Then they have a facebook chat logo to the right.
You can login to the video chat with MySpace, Twitter, Facebook, or create your own username. It's for convenience, not advertising.
ArrowFan wrote:Jason wrote:Jack wrote:When I open the videochat thing, the first thing it asks is to login with facebook. Then they have a facebook chat logo to the right.
You can login to the video chat with MySpace, Twitter, Facebook, or create your own username. It's for convenience, not advertising.
Can that screen be disabled, and instead force people to use their forum username?
Jason wrote:Video chat changes have now been made. Re-download and replace the arrowchat/video_chat.php file.
ArrowFan wrote:Jason wrote:Video chat changes have now been made. Re-download and replace the arrowchat/video_chat.php file.
So this will force chatters to use their forum username?