General ArrowChat talk that doesn't fit any other forum.
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Joined: 08 Nov 2016, 15:12


by matrimo 08 Nov 2016, 23:40

I would like to share here a common opinion of Datingscript forum community.

We would like to offer free chat access for registered women. I am testing Arrowchat and soon I would like to use Arrowchat on as it fits perfectly to our business. Matrimo is a paid dating website featuring a online dating & personal matchmaking service.

Now, as I can see I can choose already Group Permission and this is a very useful feature comparing to cometchat. Many Datingscript users appreciate this option really but in they time they are looking for another very useful feature:


As you know on the most dating websites, registered women have free access to chat while men have to pay first.

Can you implement this feature as soon as possible for DatingScript ? This is must.

Congratulation for your chat script.
Waiting for your help, Thank you very much,
