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by dfactor 11 Sep 2020, 22:08


am trying to install the version 3.06

All goes well until i get to the configuration page:

I then receive the error below.

Please can you assist me to resolve this issue,

Oops! There is an error:
We were unable to connect to your database. Please go back to the database settings page. This might also be an indication that your session timed out or PHP sessions are not working entirely.

Does anyone know how to resolve this issue?
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by Jason 12 Sep 2020, 10:06

You can only receive this message when:

1. Your database information is incorrect.
2. PHP sessions are not working or timed out.
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by OKambon 21 Sep 2020, 14:27

You can only receive this message when:

1. Your database information is incorrect.
2. PHP sessions are not working or timed out.
I have this exact same issue. Was it ever resolved?
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by Jason 21 Sep 2020, 15:03

I have this exact same issue. Was it ever resolved?
Yes. It was resolved by fixing database information or PHP sessions.
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by af7850 05 Nov 2020, 07:05

I am not the most knowledgeable person on this topic, and I'm hopin maybe you could give me a little help.

I'm virtually certain my database information is correct. I do not know how to properly identify or address the PHP sessions issue. Could you please advise?
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by LovelyDai 02 Mar 2023, 13:43

I'm getting the same response re "unable to connect". Can sinmeone please tell me how to identify my database and how to establish the username? I am a noob of little brain.