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PostPosted: 27 Feb 2011, 17:05
by Jason
Bug Fixes
  • Removed long-polling option in admin panel.
  • Fixed issue causing the receive request to refresh every 20ms.

Upgrade Instructions

You can try to use the automatic upgrade process from your ArrowChat admin panel under the "Update" navigation. If that process fails, you can update ArrowChat by following these instructions:

1. Download ArrowChat from
2. Extract files
3. Delete the arrowchat/config.php file and install folder. You can also delete the "themes", "language", and "applications" folders if you have custom edits.
4. Copy and overwrite all files onto your server.

Files changed in this version:


Temporary solution to cache problems:

Update your ArrowChat footer template to include a "&v=1.0.41" at the end of the src attribute. The type=djs does NOT need this.
Code: Select all
<script type="text/javascript" src="/arrowchat/external.php?type=js&v=1.0.41" charset="utf-8"></script>

Topic Closed

PostPosted: 07 Nov 2012, 12:40
by Staff Bot
This thread has been locked because the last post is greater than six months old. There is a good chance that the information in this thread is outdated. Please open a new topic if you wish to discuss this further.