Find out what the new version changed here
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by Jason 26 Mar 2012, 11:48

New Features
  • Complete code rewrite - The entire code of ArrowChat has been rewritten from the ground up. Many folders, files, and locations of things have changed within the structure. Many things have been put into classes and functions to improve efficiency and allow for easier modifications.
  • Complete JavaScript rewrite - The core JavaScript file has been completely rewritten to improve performance, efficiency, and readability. A developer file is now included with functions and variables named more appropriately for easy modification. We've seen great improvements with the load time of ArrowChat due to the rewrite.
  • ArrowChat in the Cloud - ArrowChat messages can now be sent in the cloud. If this option is used, messages and notifications are delivered instantly and cause zero lag on your server. The first 100,000 messages are free with every million costing $3.29 USD.
  • Chat UI Improvements - We've added a ton of improvements to the chat interface. Alerts are no longer shown as JavaScript alerts but actual drop down messages within ArrowChat. Many things have been moved around and changed to present a clear and easier interface.
  • Chat Room Improvements - We've added more notifications for things in chat rooms and a new UI as well as various other improvements.
  • Synced Windows - Chat notifications and messages are now synced across multiple tabs or browsers.
  • Guest Chat - Guests can now chat in ArrowChat. Admins can choose that everyone can chat, guests are shown a message to login, or that only logged in users can chat.
  • Mobile Support - ArrowChat now fully supports mobile devices.
  • Bar Fixed/Fluid Width - The chat bar's width can now be altered to be a fixed or fluid width.
  • Improved all integrations - All integrations are now designed better. The avatar/profile links have been designed better as well as the user ID function. Each integration will get the user ID by cookie if possible to reduce resources.
  • Multi-Language API - The chat bar can now load into a different language by simply passing the folder name into the script.
  • Sorting - Bar links can now be sorted without deleting and re-adding them.
  • Admin Panel - The administration panel has been completed redesigned. The new design makes finding and changing things much easier.
  • Installation Process - The installation process has been completely redesigned. ArrowChat now guides the user through the install process much better and allows some customization options to be chosen at installation.
  • User created password chat rooms - Users can now chose to add a password when creating a chat room.
  • Block Chat - Chat users can now block anyone. A new setting has also been added in the buddy list to manage the block list.
  • MSSQL - Customers with MSSQL can now install ArrowChat instead of just MySQL.
  • Chat Room Auto Join - Admins can now select a chat room for users to automatically join.
  • Application Improvements - Applications have gone through an extensive overhaul. We've added new API and options for users to keep their apps open between browsing. New files can be added to applications: settings.php - Adds application settings in the ArrowChat admin panel, preload.php - A file that loads each time the bar is loaded, and install.php - A file that is loaded when the application is installed.

New Integrations
  • Joomla
  • Simple Machines Forum V2 (V1 already supported)

  • The API now includes a way to open/close applications, change the image, and add a number notification.

  • Changed dynamic JavaScript variables to unique names so that JavaScript conflicts should not happen anymore.
  • Chat rooms now have time stamps on mouseover.
  • Applications can now have a tab width and name just like the bar links can do.
  • New notification markup/types have been added in a default installation.
  • User created chat rooms now last the specified amount of time after no activity has been recorded.
  • Admins can now choose the length of history in a chat room.
  • The user has no photo image has been moved to the templates.
  • The buddy list heart beat must now be lower than the online timeout. This is due to changes in the code for reducing SQL calls.
  • Admins can now select whether applications are show as a bookmark or other and to guests or logged in users only.
  • JQuery version has been upgraded to 1.7.1.
  • ArrowChat admins no longer must enter the password correctly for a password protected chat room.
  • The receive_core require no longer includes variables in the URL so no tampering can occur.
  • The admin panel now shows the number of updates each section has in the navigation.
  • Increased the database is full warning message to 100,000.
  • The repair database feature now fixes more database problems.
  • The first receive_core call is now instant instead of being delayed. This makes notifications and messages appear quicker on load.
  • SocialEngine avatars will now display the thumbnail instead of the full image.
  • The ArrowChat installer will now check for existing ArrowChat tables. It will delete them and install fresh tables during an installation and warn about this beforehand.
  • ArrowChat will no longer work correctly if the "Powered By ArrowChat" link is removed on a branded version.
  • The base URL will automatically add a slash to the end if none exists.
  • The option to show all applications to guests or not has been added to the admin panel.
  • The buddy list now loads faster on the initial load.
  • An option to disable ArrowChat has been added to the admin panel.
  • Receiving a message will now trigger the user as online.
  • Added an option in the admin panel to display just the first name or full name of users.
  • Images can now be uploaded when creating a bar link.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed the red message bubble alert from bouncing twice in a row which would ruin the styling.
  • Fixed a bug with chat room scrolling.
  • Leaving a chat room will now destroy the session instantly instead of waiting to timeout.
  • session_write_close is now called at the end of each file to prevent session hanging problems.
  • Fixed a problem with chat rooms only loading the last 30 messages total and not the last 30 messages for each room.
  • Fixed a problem with selection of databases.
  • Fixed a problem with the chat tabs getting mixed up because of incorrect logic.
  • Fixed a problem with the ArrowChat JavaScript variables interfering with other variables on a webpage.
  • Fixed problems caused by JQuery 1.7+.
  • Fixed a problem with "Block private chats" in chat rooms not always working correctly.
  • Fixed a problem with templates adding slashes.
  • Fixed a problem with FireFox showing chat windows on the left side of the screen.
  • Fixed a problem with the file upload.
  • Fixed being able to ban users in multiple chat rooms.
  • Fixed the deprecated PHP function, split.
  • Admins can now see invisible users.
  • The notifications markup is now in the language file.
  • Smilies with slashes, quotes, angle brackets, and apostrophes will now work.
  • Smilies will now update in the admin panel.
  • Fixed a problem with the admin panel's checkboxes.
  • Fixed a problem with smilies if the base URL was a full URL.
  • Chat rooms will now have scroll bars when too many rooms are added.
  • Fixed a problem with PHP adding slashes in the language.
  • The Twitter application now works in Internet Explorer.
  • Chat room names with quotes or apostrophes will now work correctly.
  • Fixed a problem with quotes in usernames.
  • Fixed all "undefined index" bugs.
  • The receive file now checks for sessions before setting them to prevent PHP errors.

Upgrade Instructions

Upgrade instructions are posted here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=962
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ArrowChat Team
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Joined: 07 Nov 2012, 13:41


by Staff Bot 07 Nov 2012, 12:40

This thread has been locked because the last post is greater than six months old. There is a good chance that the information in this thread is outdated. Please open a new topic if you wish to discuss this further.