General ArrowChat talk that doesn't fit any other forum.
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by TKhobkrathok 17 Sep 2011, 00:04

is there a Function included in arrow chat to init the session on another machine ?

the reason is to have the chat running on a separate machine where the main page simply loads the javascripts remotely.

i can hardcode that but i guess its better to use a existing function.

any suggestions ?
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by TKhobkrathok 18 Sep 2011, 01:47

done so far:

added "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" to allow query access
init sessions on the remote machine using a simple php file loaded via an image.

should pretty much fix it .. but it won't load the buddy list ...

i'm afraid have to hardcode sessions after all ...
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by Staff Bot 07 Nov 2012, 12:40

This thread has been locked because the last post is greater than six months old. There is a good chance that the information in this thread is outdated. Please open a new topic if you wish to discuss this further.