Suggest features for the ArrowChat software
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by Martok 19 Sep 2012, 10:02

I've just tried to access the chat room logs on my website via the control panel and it took an absolute age to load because it loaded everything from when the chat room first started (back at the end of June this year). Once it did load, scrolling through the logs was slow.

I'd therefore like to suggest that chat room logs could be made to open or download as text files, which would be a lot quicker to access and read than on the admin web page.

A second suggestion is to add a way to clear the logs via the admin control panel, either completely or for a specified period of time (e.g. all logs before a certain date or more than say a month or 3 months old).

Finally, I notice that in the logs special characters such as apostrophes are preceded by a \ (backslash). I know this is an escape character and this issue was resolved a while back for chat rooms themselves but it would be nice to see it sorted in the logs as well.
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by Martok 18 Feb 2013, 02:28

Thought I'd bump this topic suggestion the option to access chat room logs as text files. Trying to access the logs via the control panel takes an absolute age to load because they load everything from when the chat room first started.

A second suggestion is to add a way to clear the logs via the admin control panel, either completely or for a specified period of time (e.g. all logs before a certain date or more than say a month or 3 months old).
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by kStruck 12 Mar 2013, 09:57

You can download your chat logs from your MYSQL database as a text file, and TRUNCATE the log table to clean out your stored logs.

Also, if you wanted to automatically clean yours logs at scheduled times, just make a php file telling your MYSQL db to TRUNCATE that table as a CRON entry.
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by Martok 15 Mar 2013, 03:12

Yes, I know it can be done from the mySQL database. However, not all Arrowchat admins will necessarily have access to this. On my site I am the administrator and can access mySQL but I would like to give members mod/admin permissions on the forums and on Arrowchat but I won't give them access to mySQL. It's for them that these logs as a text file and cleaning out the logs capabilities should be added to the admin panel.

Even for me, it would be easier and neater to have these in the panel rather than faff around in the database for what I want. Seeing as a competitor's product can give users access to their personal chats at text files, I don't see why Arrowchat can't do the same and for chatrooms, plus the capability to clear the logs from the admin panel.
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by Staff Bot 16 Dec 2014, 00:26

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