Suggest features for the ArrowChat software
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by gahilo 01 May 2014, 13:27

We are using arrowchat with buddypress. Right now, our users can send "standard" messages through the wordpress/buddypress messages system, or chat through arrowchat. It is complicated, and not very userfriendly.

To be able to view all messages (chat messages and "standard" messages between users) in the same place (like in FB or any other modern platform) would be a good improvement.

If Arrowchat allowed us to do that, we would be pleased to use only arrowchat for all our messaging needs inside our platform, instead of having two messaging services.

We currently use arrowchat premium (bought from another account).

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ArrowChat Team
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by Staff Bot 16 Dec 2014, 00:26

[b]This thread has been locked because the last post is greater than six months old. There is a good chance that the information in this thread is outdated. Please open a new topic if you wish to discuss this further.[/b]